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baby shower gifts

20 Baby Shower Gifts Moms Shouldn’t Live Without

By August 22, 2018 About, Family, Gift Ideas, Mom Life, My Favorite Things

The summer is winding down and I’ve been trying (and trying and trying) to get myself and my kids organized for the new school year. I’ve also been busy in the kitchen preparing meals for all of my friends who’ve recently welcomed new babies. This got me thinking about the baby gifts that I’ve loved receiving and giving over the years.

The Woombie-I know that this thing kind of looks like a baby straight jacket, but, if your baby sleeps best when swaddled, it’s a lifesaver. I know people swear by the miracle blanket, but for me the zip-up woombie was a lot easier to deal with during middle of the night diaper changes.


Diaper Caddy-This is the gift I love to buy for first time parents. This thing was such a staple in our downstairs over the last eight years that when my friend came to visit last month she asked where it was. It has plenty of room for diapers and wipes, extra socks, onesies, whatever you need on hand, and the drawer at the bottom is great to store lotions and medicines. We still take this with us on every road trip.


Itzy Ritzy Mom Boss 4-in-1 Nursing Cover– I’m a little obsessed with stripes, so I love this little  black and white number that works as a nursing cover, shopping cart cover, car seat cover and infinity scarf.


Muslin blankets– I know these breathable lightweight blankets are a no-brainer, but I had to list them because I loved the foxy print above. These blankets double as awesome nursing and carseat covers during crazy hot Richmond summers. Bonus use: My girls love using them to wrap up their dolls.


Baby Shusher– The idea behind this shusher is pretty genius. You put it into your baby’s crib or careseat and it makes a loud shushing sound, similar to what’s recommended in The Happiest Baby on the Block, and shushes baby to sleep.


Bubzi Co. Owl– Here’s another option for soothing baby. This owl can go directly in the crib or hang from it and plays ten different lullabies and has a soft nightlight. Plus you can pop out the speaker in the middle and throw the whole stuffed owl in the wash.


Nose Frida– I’m not going to lie, the idea of this product really grosses me out, but after years of trying, and failing, to successfully use one of those bulb syringes to clear my babies’ sinuses, I’d definitely be willing to try this if I had another baby. If it helps babies breathe and sleep soundly, it’s a great gift.


High-Quality Thermometer– Someone got me one of these when my third was born. It’s such an awesome gift because I’m still using it all the time, almost four years later. I love that you can use it as a forehead thermometer with babies, and then switch to the ear for older kids.


Baby First Aid Kit– This labeled caboodle (remember those?) is this organized mama’s dream come true. You don’t have to neatly label everything, but a container filled with baby health and first aid supplies would make a great gift.


Blooming Bath– These adorable and portable “petals” turn any sink into a baby bath tub! It’s a great gift for those who don’t have a tub or who frequently travel.


Door Silencer– We’ve all snuck out of our child’s rooms trying to ensure that they stay asleep only to be foiled by a loud door. You can find these ingenious little guys on Etsy.


Koalaty 3-in-1 Universal Infant Travel Tote– This travel bag converts to a portable crib so baby can sleep anywhere.


On-the-go Changing Mat– This is another product that I used for years and years. I know a lot of diaper bags come with their own changing pads, but the ones I had with mine were always too small. With my second I would often leave the diaper bag in the car and just bring this thing stuffed with diapers, wipes, and extra underwear for my potty training 2 year old. It even has zipped pockets in the front for your wallet, phone and keys.


Personalized Bedtime Book– This beautifully illustrated personalized book is a great gift option.


Gift certificate to Blythe– Let’s face it: Most nursing bras are super ugly. This isn’t true at Blythe where everything is beautiful. You can get the support you need at large sizes, without having to sacrifice on style.


Duo Diary– This would be such a sweet gift. It’s a diary to keep track of what’s going on with your baby AND you. From their website:

On one page, you can track health points and activities for your baby – breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, sleep, wet and dirty diapers, plus space to write down any symptoms, behaviors, or patterns- or even just a place to write down memories, to-do’s, or anything else that helps you. On the opposite page is a page for you– a space where you can support your new postpartum health by keeping track of basic (yet often overlooked for new moms) health activities, like food journaling, sleep, water intake, exercise, and more space to write down any postpartum symptoms, self care reminders, or just journaling. It’s all in here- everything you need to nurture your baby and yourself.


Photo Credit: It’s a Mother Thing

Mama Care Package– I love putting together care packages as gifts, especially for moms who already have a lot of the baby gear listed above. Nursing tanks, chocolate, magazines, lotion, lavender sleep spray, the possibilites are endless!


Laundry Basket Baby Kit- This is a great gift for the shower attendee on a budget. Simply purchase a cheap laundry basket and fill it with basic baby supplies: Onesies, pacifiers, laundry detergent, bottles, teethers, etc.


Diapers and Wipes– Again, this is a very practical gift, but it’s one moms will always appreciate. You can always attach something cute to the box like an adorable dress or stuffed animal.

Take Them a Meal Service Signup– Take Them a Meal allows you to create a signup and customize a meal delivery schedule for new parents. My neighborhood sets this up every time we welcome a new baby. It really makes peoples’ lives easier those first few months.

With so many baby products on the market, I hope this list helps you narrow down the things that parents, both new and experienced (are any of us ever really experienced?), will find useful!

♥ Erin

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