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Top Ten Tuesday- 10 Ways To Keep Love Alive After Kids

By February 13, 2018 About, Husband Stuff, Top Tens

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I invite you to take a tour down memory lane to a simpler time. A time before children. My husband and I have been together for 14 years and married for 12. When we started dating we were twenty-three years old, AKA giant babies. Back then we always made romance a priority. Every Valentine’s Day we’d each choose a night to plan and then go to work trying to top each other’s romantic ideas. We traveled on a wine train in Ohio. We traveled through the city of Syracuse for a progressive dinner. We dined under a twinkle-light covered pergola with hundreds of tea lights glowing around us. We basically made everyone around us feel ill.

Fast forward fourteen years and three kids later and life has made it much more difficult to have that kind of romantic energy. Today, romance looks a little bit different.


♥ The Top Ten Ways Couples Keep Love Alive After Kids ♥


10. You and your spouse spend a romantic evening arguing while putting together a bicycle, play kitchen or other bullshit piece of necessary kid crap. Your mutual hatred for Fisher Price and Huffy makes you feel closer than you have in months.


9.  Your spouse takes their turn supervising breakfast and morning tantrums so you can sleep in until, wait for it, 7:30 am! (If you hear sobbing, don’t worry, that’s just your 20-year-old self crying in horror.)


8. Your husband saves you both the last two pieces of your kid’s birthday cake. You hide in the garage, eating the cake in complete silence.


7. Your wife takes out her mouth guard before sex. HAWT!


6. You and your spouse take pride in finding new and different ways to……embarrass your children.



5. Your husband, after spending 45 minutes in the bathroom, notices that there is no more toilet paper and replaces the roll instead of just telling you about it. #whatdreamsaremadeof


4. Your wife surprises you on your birthday with that thing you HARDLY ever do. Not the thing you NEVER do, pervert.


3. You and your spouse conspire on an amusing untruth (the word lie makes it sound so wrong) to tell your children.


2. Your wife promises that she loves you more than she loves wine, and you pretend not to notice that her fingers are crossed behind her back.


1.Your husband takes a cue from this dude. #manoftheyear


Marriage is not for wimps, but if you can still find ways to have fun together, you’re doing something right! Happy VD, all!



* If you have a great or hilarious way that you and your spouse keep the fire burning, let me know in the comments,



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