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kid-free vacation

Top Ten Tuesday- 10 Reasons Why I Need a Vacation and I Bet You Do Too!

By October 10, 2017 About, Mom humor, Parenting

My husband and I have been taking a week-long, kid-free couples trip every October for the past five years. This week we’re in Punta Cana, but for me, we could be anywhere because, (did I mention this trip was kid-free) hey, no kids!! I love my kids dearly, but once a year it’s ok to take a break and just be adults for a week. Here are some scenes from my life last week to help explain to you why I need (and goddamn deserve) a vacation, before I become a raging alcoholic:

1. My two year old started climbing out of her crib- She climbs out for every nap time, at bedtime and every night around 2:30 AM.


2.  I watched more than 30 episodes of Sofia the First and the songs from the show are permanently jammed into my think box. (Yes, my kid watches too much TV. Judge away.)


3. While I was cleaning the toddler’s room, the big kids made “healthy” smoothies of fruit snacks, tomatoes, nutella and bananas and proudly brought them upstairs for me to taste. Spoiler alert: They tasted chunky.


4. The dog ate some herbs from the garden and was puking everywhere. Fennel is not a dog food, Biscuit!


5. My five year old has developed some serious attitude since starting kindergarten. Last week she actually told me to, “Try to keep up, Mom!” when I was not understanding the 35 minute, rambling story she was telling me.


6. My in-laws and I took the kids to the VA State Fair. ‘Nuff said, Am I right, Ladies? Though I did get to have a gyro and some funnel cake.


7. My seven year old still has tantrums, almost. every. damn. day! These usually happen after school, or when he is hungry, or when he is tired, or when he isn’t getting what he wants, or when he wants something new after already getting something he wanted, or when he can’t get his shoes on, or, or, or, AAAAHHHH!


8. Now that my toddler climbs out of her bed, we have three kids in our bed every night, and they all want to snuggle with mom. How did I get so lucky?! I know I’ll probably miss this someday, but damn, not today!


9. Every morning, my husband and I have to drag our kids, and ourselves, out of bed to get the big kids on the bus by 7:05. My husband is the only morning person in the house. Needless to say, it’s a total shit show.


10. My baby just turned 2 1/2 and I’m in a glass case of emotion!! I’m simultaneously feeling depressed about the fact that she’s no longer a baby and terrified because I remember the switch that was flipped when my other two reached that age. So many tantrums!


So, yeah, it’s vacation time, and I’m not going to feel guilty about that. My kids get to spend the week with my in-laws who take great care of them, take them fun places and spoil them rotten, and my husband and I can rest, connect and come back ready to conquer the sugar and junk food detox the kids will surely need!

♥ Erin


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